At the heart of Much’s practice is respect for entrepreneurs who are starting, growing, and selling businesses. Legal cannabis sales in the U.S. hit $17.5 billion in 2020, with about a third of U.S. states allowing recreational use and more than half allowing medical use. Most entrants into the cannabis arena are entrepreneurs hoping to capitalize on this exploding growth despite the industry’s many challenges.
End-to-end legal and business support.
In 2014, Much attorneys committed themselves to business owners, growers, and investors who were establishing themselves in the cannabis industry, which, like most, is multidisciplinary. Real estate, tax, employment, intellectual property, litigation: Cannabis businesses require legal guidance in all of these areas and more. In addition, we’re here to assist with the special requirements of a cannabis business, such as non-bank financing, licensure in multiple jurisdictions, and layers of complex regulatory compliance. We pride ourselves on having both the capabilities and the drive to offer full-service representation to cannabis industry participants.